This sheet has over 75 words and phrases. It is 8 1/2 x 11 size uncut deeply etched red rubber. Several of the sentiments will coordinate with the DoodleFactory collections we have released.
But here is the coolest part.....
.... DRUM ROLL....
We are going to give away the first sheet of Swedish sentiments FREE in our first ever INTERNATIONAL BLOG CANDY GIVEAWAY!!! (((((APLAUSE)))))
OK so what do you have to do? Its simple... you have to do 2 things.
FIRST, you need to promise you will SPREAD THE WORD and tell every swedish stamper you know that we are running a blog candy giveaway and second,
POST A COMMENT TO THIS THREAD and tell us what sentiment is your favorite!
On Monday we will draw a random winner and they will get this sheet sent to them FREE OF CHARGE!
Make sure you leave your email address so that I can contact you if you are the winner! (if you forget to leave me a way to contact you then I will be forced to pick a different winner, and neither of us want that to happen do we!?)
But dont worry, if you dont win you can still purchase your stamp sheet on our website or thru Jane's store ScrapAddicted in Loberod, Sweden. She is now selling our DoodleFactory line and will soon be carrying the new sentiment sheet!
I know what you guys here in the USA are thinking.... Im leaving you out right? NOPE, not true. I promised you a blog candy and you are going to get one. We have TWO NEW TROPIC SETS of sentiments heading to the plate maker tomorrow! Tomorrow night I will load the new sets to the blog for you to check out. And on TUESDAY I will post the blog candy and its going to be GOOOOOOOD!!! So stay tuned!
Ooh! I can not wait! Thanks for the chance to win some of your stamps!
I've blogged you HERE to keep my end of the promise :P
My fave sentiment is JIPPIE!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
im first? :)
hmm.. i love all of them..
but i think "finns här några snälla barn?" is my favourite!
can't w8 to get started on this years xmas cards! :)
Nina is great!
And u guys rock!
Oh ... my ... God! I think I just peed a little in my pants, I'm soooo happy! We have really missed a good set of sentiments in Swedish, and these are just so lovely! I want them! NOW! My absolute favourite must be "Du rockar mina sockar", I can think of ten cards where I will need exactly these words! :) Please, pretty please, let me be the lucky winner! If so, you can contact me at ulrika.macgregor [at] telia.com.
My favourite is:
Inte vacker men sällsynt.
I can already think of stamps to go with it.
abackman66 [at] hotmail.com
Wow!!! A set in swedish - just as you promised!
I will have to say that I got two favorites, and can't choose one over the other:
*Du rockar mina sockar
*Inte vacker men sällsynt
Tack Nina - om du läser det här - du är Doodle factorys okrönta svenska drottning
(translation Thanks Nina - if you read this - you are the swedish uncrowned queen of Doodle Factory)
Wow, these are great!! I MUST have them! I think my favorite is probably "hej, hej, hemskt mycket hej" because it's so dorky and very useful. I promise I will tell everybody....
Wohoo!! I would love to win :-)!
My favourite sentiment is : "Våga vara annorlunda"
This is so cool! My favourite is "vild och vacker"!
Ingen morgon människa!
Is my favorit!
Love your stamps and i fabolus what you do swedish an NIna She what we say in Swedish -Rockar Fett!!! and you too....8 pleae ask Nina about translait what i Said:)
Wow, just what i`ve been looking for! A set with different phrases for my cards, perfect for a cardmaker like me! Now I´ll just have to hold my tumbers and wait...
Lovely! My favourite is "du rockar mina sockar". I think that's a fabulous translation and a sentiment I could use often.
Wow, a set of swedish sentiments. That is really awesome! My fave sentiment has to be "Inte vacker men sällsynt". It's just great ;D.
I would like to join the groupe of swedish stampers who are loking forward too win.
This is so great - I would love to win!! I have already talked about this on my blog, so that part of the deal is done. It's really hard to pick a favorite since all of them are so neat, but I think "hej, hej, hemskt mycket hej" is my choice - it's sooo dorky and quite useful. I still can't believe that your making stamps in swedish...=o)
Would be nice to win these greate stamps. Right now I have only 5 in my possesion ;-)
Just love MÅSTE...HA..KAFE...NU!
Will be perfect on a card for my mother =)
Hi! What a chance to win your stamps!
I have write about this blogg in my blogg www.blueeye.blogg.se
My best feeling are happines.
Oh my, I want it all!!!! Okey, my favorite sentiment is Var é tårtan - Where´s the cake!!!! Just lovet it!
And now I will spread the word about your blogg and the blogcandy!!! Where - on my favorite scrapbooking community in Sweden of course www.svenskscrapbooking.se
miasnyamail [@] gmail.com
Oh! I love this phrases!! Great job! I would really LOVE to win them.. :D
My fav. is "Puss på Nosen" but there is many more.. This looks like a really useful sheet.. :D
My mail is: maritha[at]frolid.eu
Just recently been bitten by the stampin bug and have been reading as much as a I can these last few days and hopping between blogs...would love to win a stamp set to start of my new hobby...
My fav. phrase is 'Hurra!' since the Euro Cup is in full swing and the phrase relates so much to that!
I love all of them, but my favourite is "våga vara annorlunda".
They lokoked great the swedish sentiments. A lots of perfects sentiments for both cards and layouts.
My favorites are Tack för att du finns". Cross my fingers and hope to win!
My email:jennys-kreativasida(at)tele2.se
MÅSTE...HA...KAFFE..NU must be my favourite! Have that feeling almost every morning...
Hope to win :) My favorite is "Våga vara annorlunda" If I win you can contact me at ouc [at] swipnet.se
These were just perfect, absolutely perfect! My favourite sentiment is "inte vacker men sällsynt" but there were a bunch of other really funny and useful ones as well. I had a hard time choosing but fell for this one.
trent [at] telia.com
I would love to win your stamps so now I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Wow, that sounds great. I would love to win the stamps.
I will spread the word for you.
Have e nice day!
Inte vacker men sällsynt was a funny one!!!
I looove "vilsen utan dig" and I would be so happy to win this!! I definatley will spread the word on the forums I am active in, and to all others I can think of! I have a very small collection of stamps and would be thrilled to get the chance to win. If I am lucky to do so, please contact me at marabou_girl85[at]hotmail.com
oh my... this is nice :) i love them all but... i think my favvo is "våga vara annorlunda" - dare to be different :) byebye
These are just great!!
Here in Finland (yes, we also speak swedish :D ) it´s very difficult to find sentiment stamps in swedish.
I like all of the sentiments but i think my favorite is "tycker om dej". I really do hope I win this.. :P
email: sabinankortit@gmail.com
I just love the stamp and my favourite is: Våga vara annorlunda.
Wow!! Thank you Tracey for having this giveaway - so very generous of you!
First, I have to say THANK YOU all for your sweet comments about me, it really warms my heart. ♥
Makes me all giggly to see how popular these Swedish sentiments seem to be. I cannot pick a favourite sentiment, but
"Och så levde de lyckliga i alla sina dagar" is probably the one I'm going to use first - I need it for a wedding card! ;)
Tracey - You don't have to enter my name for the competition, but of course I'm going to do my best to spread the word anyway!
I like "Vild och vacker"! Promise to spreed this to the world... :-)
OMG! I like them all but I´ll have to choose "Du rockar mina sockar!" :)
Best regards / Åsa aka Dolores
Wow! Such cool stamps. Just love 'em!
My favourite is "Våga vara annorlunda" (dare to be diffrent)
My favourite is "VÅGA VARA ANNORLUNDA". :)
Wow! Such cool stamps. Just love 'em!
My favourite is "Våga vara annorlunda" (dare to be diffrent)
Tack för att du finns, is my favourite. Says a lot and can not be said too often.
I love the frase "I dag är hela världen dum, kom så rymmer vi". Thats a rubberstamp I know for sure I´d have loads of use for.
Absolutely amazing ! Why hasn't the swedes made something like this....? My favourite is: "Idag är världen dum, kom så rymmer vi", because normally the phrases on stamps are so sweet and cute, but this one really explains that it isn't like that always, in a short, cathing way.
Great stamps! I found several sentiments that I haven't seen on stamps before - so I just love this sheet. I will most certainly spread the word about this news :-D
"Tiden bara flyger iväg!" is my favourite. But they're all great! Very useful stamps :D
I like the "Inte vacker men sällsynt" as it feels like very much "me"!
This is great!!
My favourite is : "Tack för att du finns". I think this is something that we should say more often to eachother... Don´t you think so to?
Great stamps! I even found a few sentiments that I have never seen on stamps before. The one I like the most is "En liten fågel viskade". Good luck!
This is soooo perfect! And all of the sentiments are really useful if you ask me, but my absolute favourite is Du rockar mina sockar.
Oh, they look great! My favourite is
"Du rockar mina sockar". Cross my fingers and hope to win!
Jippie! It's almost inbelivable... Swedish textstamps on the other side of the pond :)
I've blogged about it here http://eleocharispyssel.blogspot.com/2008/06/svenska-textstmplar-i-usa.html
my e-mail is eleocharis@spray.se
My favourite is
Idag är världen dum...kom så rymmer vi...
Fantastic sentiments, I really like them alot.
I would love to have these stamps! My favorite is Du rockar mina sockar!
Oh I love this - Idag är världen dum. Kom så rymmer vi!
I've put a link in my blog absout this contest.
/Anna - morfen@yahoo.com
This one is my favourite:
Tro - hopp - kärlek
för evigt och för alltid.
This was really great - a nice set of useful words!!
Hi!!. "En liten fågel viskade" that you should look at this blog. You can win magical words for you`r cardmaking. So i did. and the words are spredding like the wind from blog to blog. Love Christine.
"MÅSTE...HA...KAFFE...NU!" is my favourite. The thing is I don't even drink coffe, but I have plenty of friends who are addicted, so that stamp will be used frequently!
Just say cool!!
Våga vara annorlunda is my favourite!
Summer hug Anna
wow! they are looovely!
I can´t choose between
* Du rockar mina sockar
* Och så levde de lyckliga i alla sina dagar
the last one would be great to have this summer because my friend is getting married! there is no end to what you can do with theese stamps! Cross my fingers and hope for a lot of luck!
love them!
specially "idag är världen dum.kom så rymmer vi" sooo sweeet!!
hope to win this supercool stamps!!
My favourite is:
Våga vara annorlunda
Oh my goodness, I just NEED these stamps! ♥
My favorite, though hard to choose just one, is Du rockar mina sockar [YOU ROCK MY SOCKS] *lol*
Of course I'll spread the word, here's a crosslink: http://wih.blogg.se/2008/june/starving-artists-swedish-sentiments.html
"Och så levde de lyckliga i alla sina dagar" is my favourite!
And of course I'll spread the word.
/ Sanna -> bons[at]telia.com
A really nice set with swedish sentiments!! My favorite is "Tro * Hopp * Kärlek"
I have spread the word through my blog http://lindasdagar.blogg.se
I have been waiting for this a long time. I'm hoping to win or else my purse will be very light very soon
my favourite sentiment is:Grattis till nya slottet!
Love it!
My favorite is
Puss på nosen
Jippie! At last!
My favourite would be
"Du är sååå BRA!"
I will now rush to my forums and shout! :-)
nina.hallin at gmail dot com
Love this stamps.
Want them.
Neeeed them.
Word will most definitely be spread - as it is already spreading with the speed of light regarding the cute cute dood(l)es you make! ;)
That being said -shopohoplics lkike me just can't help but chat about these things!
*does a happy dance*
OMG!! I have just bought about 80 of your stamps from ScrapAddicted and I will definitely need this sheet too!! My favorite sentiments are "Du rockar mina sockar" (never heard that expression before, but I really love love it) and "Puss i påsk".
My favourite is "bättre sent än aldrig" and this is really suitable as I am late to see this and to take part... Better late than never!
Wow, I REALLY hope I´m not too late. I REALLY want theese stamps, I soo love them! My favourite sentiment is "Var e´ tårtan?"
Love/ Imma
Me too! I want them, I want them!!
And how can you choose ONE favourite? Well, one of them is
"Du rockar mina sockar"
...but I can see plenty of them on my cards. ;-)
I have no blog, but I will tell people about it anyway.*promise*
Best wishes!
Ooh! i wish i win the stamps. I like them!
I really like "Du rockar mina sockar"
Lovely sentences! I think my favourite is "Du rockar mina sockar"
I'm lookin forward to find this at scrapaddicted soon!
My favorit is: Idag är världen dum kom vi rymmer.
i hope i´m not to late!
Omg.. I just HAVE to have these! :D My fav sentiment is Inte vacker men sällsynt, and Ive kept my part of the deal by blogging you here ;) http://zascraps.blogspot.com/2008/06/wow-o.html
Who wants to miss a chans to win this??
I dont but maybe i´m too late....
take a chans anyway!
My favorite is "måste..ha..kaffe..nu".
I like the phrase: Våga vara annorlunda. I have spreed the word about this in my blog, www.miens.org (in Swedish).
You can contact me in my blog.
Wow! Just love them all!
But if i have th choose one its
hej, hej, hemskt mycket hej
WOW, this is just what I need. WORDS!!!! I like "Bättre sent än aldrig!" the best. It always comes in handy.
WOW!! I love them all!!
But.... I think my favourite is "du rockar mina sockar!" To funny=)
Oh! So nice!
My favorite sentiment is "ingen morgonmänniska" -thats me!!!
I´d like "våga vara annorlunda" to!
Have a nice day!
Hugs Michaela http://lejonberghjorth.blogspot.com
Wonderful stamps!! My favourite is "Rockar mina sockar"
Love your stamps.
Favorit: JIPPIE!
I love these stamp! My favorutie is: "Inte sällsynt men vacker"
Puss på nosen is definitely my favorite :) Very cute!
WOOOOOW!! LOVELLY LOVELLY LOVELLY!!!! *jumping up and down*
My absolute favourite is "inte vacker men sällsynt" (my husband use to say that to me..) *hihi*
Many hugs and a BIG THANK YOU!!!! =D
i don´t know if i are to late for this competition, but here can you see that i have link
And my favourite is "var é tårtan?"
Kramizzz Kicken
My favourite:
Idag är världen dum. Kom så rymmer vi!
I love the stamps. All of them are very useful.
My favourite text is "vild och vacker".
Have a nice day
LOVLEY stamps!!
My favourite is absolutley "Fika?"
Oooh! I would love to win the swedish stamps!!! I´m telling all my friends to!!
This was great!!
My favourite sentiments is
Jag tror på jultomten..
I don´t have a blogg, so i´m going to tell about you on my frieds blogg!
Now, just hoping for luck to come to me.
Hugs Ann
Wohoo!! I would love to win :-)!
My favourite sentiment is : "Du rockar mina sockar"
Wohoo!! I would love to win :-)!
My favourite sentiment is : "Du rockar mina sockar"
Hugs //sussig1@hotmail.com
Wohooooo! What a great idea, thanx Nina and starvingartists!
"Idag är världen dum. Kom så rymmer vi!" is my favourite!!
// spleen.och.ideal @ hotmail.com
Wow!I love them! My favorite is " Tro Hopp Kärlek"
My favourite phrase is "måste...ha....kaffe....nu!", because that is so me! :-)
Can't wait to hear the winners name
ugalde@telia.com is the e-mail address
My favourite is "Ja, må du leva uti HUNDrade år" because I´m a Dog Lover and HUND = DOG in Swedish... I can see a lot of funny cards I would like to do with that stamp!
Thank you for the chance to win!
My favourite is: "Våga vara annorlunda"
Hmm, difficult but my favorite is " du är söt", because my husband says it every day to me...
As the true coffeaddict I am, I have to choose
Wonderful with swedish words, a must have! I've spread the word thru my blog cattasattac.blogspot.com
My favourite is "Du är sååå BRA"
My favourite sentiment is : "Bättre sent än aldrig"
My favourite is:
Kom så rymmer vi
I realy love all of them!!!
My favourite is
våga vara annorlunda
i would love to win those stamps because I am a swedish woman living in France and all the other swedes that also lives here wants to have cards with swedish sentenses on and these are perfect
It took me a few minutes to decide but here goes - my favourite sentiment is "Var é tårtan".
I'm gonna spread the word on my blog and hope for some luck!!
my mail:
Lowely and useful stamps.
My favourite would be:
våga vara annorlunda
Have a nice day
My favorite is: "Vad skulle jag göra utan dig?"
I love manny of them! But My favorit sentiment is "Världens finaste" You can use it very much!
Have a nice day!
My favourite is: "Idag är världen dum, kom så rymmer vi!" Very useful!
Oh, I´d like to win these marvellous stamps. My favourite is "hej hej hemskt mycket hej", a phrase that everyone sang when I was a child.
My favourite must be:
"finns här några snälla barn?"
Love them all but this one the most!!
I rearely win anything but you must take a chance, right!
My fav must be -DU er en solstråle...
Lovely stamps
Oh, they look great! My favourite is
"Du rockar mina sockar". That's a lovely translation =)
Do I have to choose just one!?
Love them, but especially; Idag är världen dum... kom så rymmer vi!
Keep my fingers crossed!
Thank you!
en liten fågel viskade is my favourite!
Wow, I need them all!!! But "Var é tårtan" is so cool.
"Läget?" is my favourite! Can be used at all times!
Have a nice day!
karin_moldin [at] hotmail.com
This one is a winner!: Måste..ha..kaffe..nu! I love this sheet. It's a must have.
I just LOVE this sheet of stamps. I think my favorite is "Var é tårtan?", but there are so many clever ones, it wasn't an easy pick!
Hope I'm not too late!
I really really like the expression "Du rockar mina sockar"! ANd the Måste ha kaffe nu!
I have seen this competition in a number of sweidsh blogs now and will write a little note in mine as well!!
Hey. Hvilken chance. KH 10na
Really nice stamps. Do you know when they will arrive to Scrapaddicted?
// johanna Sweden
My favorit Jag tror på tomten and du är en ängel
Hope I'm not too late
Wonder if i´m too late - depens on wich monday... well, i´ll give it a try =)
my favourite? Du rockar mina sockar!!!
My fovourite is Hej! I use that phrase on many cards.
Wow! How great with swedish words :D.
My favourite is " Våga vara annorlunda". Love it.
This is just so great!
I have linked to you in my blog.
My email: daizycarola@gmail.com
Wow, my favorite is "Du är en solstråle"!
Great with swedish words :D.
My favourite is " Världens finaste". Love it.
This is just so great!
Wow! ;) Love the stamps. My favourite must be "en liten fågel viskade" 'cause you can use that stamp together with most of the others or "Våga vara annorlunda" 'cause that's such a great quote. Dare to be different, everyone!
Våga Vara Annorlunda or Inte vacker men sällsynt should be perfect in my stamp-collection (as the rest of the set of course :) ).
If I don't win, I think I'll buy :)
These sentiments are absolutely awesome! Even though I teach Swedish here in Sweden, I've never ever heard the phrase: "Du rockar mina sockar" and I LOVE IT! I'll be using it from now on ;o)
I'm spreading the news about your great stamps on one of the larger web-sites: www.pyssel.net, and also on my blogg: http://www.annelieskrypin.blogspot.com
and I hope I'm the lucky on to recieve these great staps!
I linked, I linked!!!!
Here yah go:
Thanks for chance to win some super awsome sets!
"that's the best booty I've ever seen!" - Do I ever have an idea to use that (sentiment?haha!) on a card! So please pick me to be the lucky winner. Will spread the word to my stamping friends via emails! Nelda in TN
nelda mc765 @ charter .net (w/o the spaces)
How unique are those beach stamps. I've never been more than 2 miles from and ocean and now I'm in the desert in Arizona! Hot, just like your stamps and blog.Good Luck
I love to win those stamps
My favourite sentiments is Våga vara annorlund
i love "ohoj din landkrabba" and I would really like to win the stamps.
Love, Sofia
My favourite is "Var e tårtan?" It could be really nice cards with that sentiment!
I blogged about you. http://pannkakstarta.blogg.se/?tmp=31173712
Cool that you made all theese sentiments in swedish... Will they also come in norwegian ???
Some of my favourite sentiments are: "Våga vara annorlunda" "Tack for at du finns" and "Fika?"...
There is a lot of cards in my mind, with your sentiments on... :-D
Like your blogcandy!!!
Regards from Miss Nomore
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